Yale college essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
CRJ565 AL 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CRJ565 AL 4 - Essay Example Individuals and particularly customers are probably going to consider him to be a pioneer that believes his workers just as one that is vote based in his administration. The fundamental issue is absence of relational correspondence with her representatives that is up close and personal which makes her authority by one way or another virus. By her diminishing her utilization of web-based social networking to impart just as using lunch and coffee breaks to collaborate with her workers on an increasingly close to home level, they are probably going to begin in regards to her in high status and opening up to her. She will become acquainted with her workers more on the off chance that she invests considerably more energy with them in gatherings. Brenda anyway needs to have a group building involvement in her representatives from the work environment so as to get the opportunity to find out about her workers on a progressively close to home level. This will empower a lot hotter correspondence, recognize aptitudes and abilities and use them to expand execution. I concur about to start valuing the work the administrators are doing by letting them seal the seal with the customers as they have been working at it for quite a while. This will enable the representatives and working up their certainty and administrative abilities. Representatives admire their pioneer for motivation, direction just as a good example. On the off chance that the pioneer keeps depicting certain practices that are not engaging, the workers will thusly imitate and rehash these equivalent practices and this would influence the efficiency of the organization. In the event that the CEO needs to be engaged with the last marking of the agreement by the customers, he ought to just be available as a help figure and not meddle at all. The nicotine test I concur is an intrusion of the protection of the representatives and as opposed to doing so which just prompts his disdain by the workers, he should look for impetuses to urge them to carry on with a solid way of life. The nicotine test ought to be deliberate as opposed to obligatory. By giving motivators and awards to the representatives stepping up to the plate over their
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Relationship Between Homelessness And Schizophrenia Essay
The Relationship Between Homelessness And Schizophrenia Essay Mental disarranges can prompt numerous sorts of issues. These issues can go from lodging precariousness to ailment, and even passing. Having a turmoil and absence of stable everyday environments regularly further muddles the general wellbeing and the consideration this is somewhat confounding for a destitute grown-up. Without the correct social insurance, the brain will turn out to be much progressively temperamental. This doesn't consequently follow sensibly. People with extreme dysfunctional behavior mollify most occasions with vagrancy due to their failure to achieve day by day assignments and acquire cash. Psychological sickness is not kidding and serious and can have a domino impact on ones life and those encompassing the person. The connected at the hip relationship that vagrancy imparts to psychological maladjustments are upsetting. One of the numerous psychological issue that can prompt vagrancy is Schizophrenia. Expressing that an individual has a dysfunctional behavior can be deciphered numerous ways, in any case, it is typically characterized and comprehended as a mental ailment or confusion. The seriousness of the ailment decides the amount of a people every day working will be influenced. The capacity to think about ones self, a home or family unit and the capacity to keep up a personal connection are lost. Vagrants with mental clutters stay destitute for longer timeframes and start to have less contact with loved ones. Psychological maladjustments, for example, schizophrenia or extreme sadness, can cause a strain on family and other social connections (Hawkins and Abrams 2007). Studies have analyzed what the personal satisfaction resembles subsequent to finding that one has a psychological instability, the individuals who become destitute and different examinations center basically around treatment alternatives. Experiencing a psychological instability makes it increasingly hard to pick up work. Having unexpected frailty additionally handicaps the people want to look for help, and whether they can get help or not is another issue. Studies that investigate the paces of vagrancy could prompt better treatment and help. It is particularly imperative to concentrate intellectually sick destitute people that have substance maltreatment since these people are one of the most hindered bunches among destitute people (Levine and Huebner 1991). There is nobody clarification regarding why a person who is intellectually hostility start manhandling their bodies with drugs, it is known however that when substance misuse and dysfunctional behavior are joined contact with law implementation is unavoidable. All individuals with mental scatters, including the individuals who are destitute, require continuous access to a full scope of treatment and restoration administrations to diminish the debilitation and interruption created by their condition (U.S. Division of Health and Human Services, 2003). A great many people with the psychological issue needn't bother with hospitalization, what they improve lodging alternatives and great er treatment choices and yet can live in the network with the fitting strong lodging choices. Further investigations do appear anyway that these network based administrations are far and not many in the middle of and there isn't sufficient lodging to suit the developing number of patients influenced by a dysfunctional behavior. The hardest test to look with helping intellectually sick patients is that the disease causes other subjective issues. Dr Yuodelis Flores states that the most genuine boundary to treatment is absence of knowledge, people with genuine dysfunctional behavior may not comprehend that they are sick and need care. Serious and determined psychological instabilities (SPMI) including schizophrenia, bipolar turmoil, significant wretchedness and dementia hinder judgment, applied comprehension and the ability to settle on suitable conduct choices (HCH Clinicians Network, 2000). A patient, who is presently learning of their ailment, responds unreasonably and with outrage and afterward as opposed to attempting to comprehend the sickness they simply shut out those nearest to them. Schizophrenia is a genuine issue of the psyche and cerebrum yet it is additionally profoundly treatable. There is a steady progression of enhancement for the meds for this disease. Notwithstanding that, there are numerous new and improving psychosocial medicines and intellectual treatments for schizophrenia that are being tried and endorsed for use. One of the speculations of what causes schizophrenia is that it is an aftereffect of a hereditary inclination joined with ecological exposures or potentially stress (The Internet Mental Health Initiative, 1996-2010). Stress can trigger a previous ailment into reality, which on account of Schizophrenia bodes well as far as one having a hereditary inclination to the sickness. Schizophrenia-like most different ailments don't create until after the age of 18, nonetheless, an age go is offered because of the way that diseases have grown before in a few. Men will in general create schizophrenia marginally sooner than ladies; though most guys be come sick somewhere in the range of 16 and 25 years of age, most females create side effects quite a while later, and the rate in ladies is perceptibly higher in ladies after age 30 (The Internet Mental Health Initiative, 1996-2010). Investigating a people emotionally supportive network additionally decides whether a destitute outcome is conceivable. Psychological maladjustments, for example, schizophrenia or extreme wretchedness, can cause a strain on family and other social connections (Hawkins and Abrams 2007). Society is very much aware of vagrants, yet many are ignorant of the reasons why and afterward many couldn't care less to know the explanation. At the point when a destitute individual is seen many bashful away particularly if that destitute individual is carrying on. This inactive mentality towards the destitute doesn't help them nor does it help society. In 2002 the expense of schizophrenia was evaluated to be $62.7 billion, with $22.7 billion overabundance direct social insurance cost $7.0 billion outpatient, $5.0 billion medications, $2.8 billion inpatients, and $8.0 billion long haul care (The Internet Mental Health Initiative, 1996-2010). Being out of the picture and therefore irrelevant, these numbers don't mirror the destitute. About 1% of the populace is influenced by Schizophrenia (The Merck Manuals, 2008). Schizophrenia influences people similarly having no racial or financial inclination. In the United States, schizophrenia represents around 1 of each 5 Social Security ha ndicap days and 2.5% of all medicinal services consumptions (The Merck Manuals, 2008). Brandt (1995) concentrated how effectively working with destitute who are experiencing schizophrenia can better their lives. He concentrated on the pack women as they are regarded social outsider as they tend to carry on when help is advertised. Very candid about his abhorrence on social orders job in aiding those out of luck, he started to meander the avenues gathering people to be a piece of his investigation. 35 destitute people were picked between the ages of 22 and 70 and comprised of 17 ladies and 18 men. The outcomes were sufficiently huge to show that being proactive with these people is useful regardless of the age or sex. The main outstanding issue anyway with rewarding destitute people simply like with some other patient, is the need to need treatment. At the point when somebody needs assistance in whatever type of treatment required, the patient makes the activity and this can't be the situation with destitute people. Brandt (1995) recognized that Many various gatherings must be associated with the work. [This includes], specialists, clinics, general professionals and the whole social government assistance framework. What's more, the most ideal contact must be kept up with the patient (p. 1). Antipsychotic medications, recovery, and psychotherapy are the significant pieces of treatment. Network bolster exercises, for example, work instructing, encourage the aptitudes expected to make due in the network. These aptitudes empower individuals with schizophrenia to work, shop, care for themselves, deal with a family unit, and it likewise rehabilitates their social capacities. Hospitalization is seen more when patients backslide. Constrained hospitalization is additionally uncommon and is possibly observed when the individual is a danger to themselves or others (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). The demise rate for vagrants is around multiple times more noteworthy than the rate for everybody and among youthful vagrants, the rate is much higher (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). As indicated by the National Coalition for the Homeless (2006), normal destitute grown-ups pass on twenty years sooner than their non-destitute partners. Over portion of destitute gro wn-ups kick the bucket viciously and one-fourth of those is killed (p.2). The fitting lodging can give the system important to end vagrancy for some people (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). An examination done in 2002 by Folsom, McCahill, Bartels, Lindamer, Ganiats and Jeste not just analyzed the demise rate in schizophrenic destitute people, yet they at that point contrasted the safeguard and essential consideration with those with extreme wretchedness. While sadness is a psychological instability, it doesn't injure ones capacities the way that schizophrenia does. The phases of withdrawal from loved ones are the equivalent, anyway a person with despondency is almost certain ready to portray their emotions to a specialist, and there is no disgrace set on this ailment like those with schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients can go undiscovered for a considerable length of time and afterward when they are, numerous suppliers are awkward with rewarding them and some don't see a point. Folsom et al express that (2002) genuine psychological maladjustments, including schizophrenia, are substantially more typical among vagrants than in everybody. Examinations have reliably discov ered higher paces of substance misuse, schizophrenia, bipolar confusion, and significant sorrow among vagrants than in everyone (p.1). This is the reason preventive treatment is significant alongside better lodging. The developing number of vagrants is obscure, actualizing better sanctuaries that can give the menta
My Best Friend Essay Writing
My Best Friend Essay WritingThe My Best Friend Essay Writing is great for showing how you got along with your best friend. This can be true if you have met your best friend through a good friend, or someone that you have met that you are well acquainted with. The point of the essay is to show that your friendship goes beyond friendship and it shows that you have become good friends with your best friend.Writing a My Best Friend Essay, which has a good story behind it, can show the writer's attention to detail and ability to make interesting details out of the small bits of information that he or she comes across. Many writers feel that this type of essay is like playing a game. They do not feel as if they have to be good at what they are writing. Therefore, the writer should focus on making the entire essay interesting rather than focusing on just the story.If the writer wants to show how his or her best friend became your best friend, then he or she can start the My Best Friend Essa y writing by describing the events that happened when the writer was a boy. He or she must describe the times when he was upset because of the way he acted toward his best friend. This will then make the writer feel better about himself. The writer should list all the things that happened when he was angry. Some of the things that the writer should mention are the bad name call, the fact that the friend would only listen to him or her and also that he or she would listen to the other side of the story.In the essay, the writer may also include a story about how the best friend responded to his or her friend. This could include a friend telling the best friend that he or she needs to go out with the other person. If the best friend asks why his best friend is being told to leave the other person, the writer should answer that the best friend did not want to leave the other person.After the first My Best Friend Essay writing is complete, the writer should now move onto the second essay . The writer should include a sentence that makes the reader think, even though it is simply stating the facts. When the writer presents a fact that is not true, he or she should then tell the reader the truth and then tell the reader why he or she is stating the facts that are not true.Another My Best Friend Essay Writing is great if the writer is trying to find an alternate reason for why the best friend may be moving away from him or her. The writer can change the reason and write about the reasons that the best friend leaves him or her. It is important that the writer remember to ask the reader to think for himself or herself. The reader should consider the fact that there may be many reasons that the best friend leaves the writer.Writing the My Best Friend Essay Writing can be done at home as long as the writer can find a computer and an internet connection. There are many types of writing that you can do with your computer. One type of writing that can be done at home is the i nternet-based essays.Internet-based essays, or this type of writing, can be used to write many types of essays, like college essays, dissertation, research papers, dissertation support, medical writing, thesis, scholarly articles, etc. It is not necessary to be creative when writing an essay on your best friend if you are using the internet-based essay. The best thing is to make sure that your essay is effective and readable.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Standard Business Questions in English
Standard Business Questions in English There are various standard business addresses utilized when making by and large asks into the idea of an organization. The accompanying discourse covers various standard business questions. The reference area at that point gives varieties and related business inquiries for some of the standard business addresses utilized in the discourse. Business Reporter Thank you for setting aside the effort to meet with me today. Chief: Its my pleasure Business Reporter: Who accomplish you work for? Chief: I work for Springco. Business Reporter: What does Springco do? Chief: Springoco conveys wellbeing items all through the United States. Business Reporter: Where is the organization based? Chief: Springco is situated in Vermont. Business Reporter: what number individuals do you utilize? Director: Currently, we have 450 individuals on staff. Business Reporter: Whats your yearly income? Director: Our gross income is about $5.5. million this year. Business Reporter: What kind of dissemination administrations do you give? Administrator: We circulate to both discount and retail outlets. Business Reporter: What kind of web nearness do you have? Director: We have a retail facade, just as an online discussion. Business Reporter: Is your organization open? Supervisor: No, we are a secretly held organization. Business Reporter: What sort of strategic structure do you have? Director: We transport from four local distribution centers. Business Reporter: Where are your items produced? Director: Most of our items are made abroad, however a number are additionally delivered here in the United States. Standard Business Questions Who accomplish you work for? Varieties: Which organization accomplish you work for? Where accomplish you work? Related Questions: What sort of occupation do you have? What do you do? What are your obligations? What does X do? Varieties: What sort of business does X do? Which business is X in? Related Questions: What sort of items does X sell/fabricate/produce? What kind of administrations does X give/offer? Where is the organization based? Varieties: Where is your organization found? Where are your central station? Related Questions: Where do you have branches? Do you have any workplaces abroad? What number of individuals do you utilize? Varieties: What number of individuals does X utilize? What number of individuals does X have on staff? What number of workers are there at X? Related Questions: What number of divisions are there? What number of individuals are on staff in that branch? What number of individuals do you utilize in (City)? Whats your yearly income? Varieties: Whats your turnover? What sort of income do you do? Related Questions: Whats your net benefit? What are (were) your quarterly profit? What kind of an edge do you have? Is your organization open? Varieties: It is safe to say that you are a traded on an open market organization? It is safe to say that you are on the securities exchange? Is your organization secretly held? Related Questions: Whats your companys stock image? Which market would you say you are exchanged on? Where are your items fabricated? Varieties: Where are your products delivered? Where do you fabricate/produce your product?
Environmental Taxes in the Uk
Natural Taxes in the UK| BEA2002 Group Report Assignment| Ben Dance, Liwei Rao, Qi Gao, Nellie Ho and Ahmed Mujtaba| 1. Presentation 1. 0 We have been authorized by the administration to compose a report on how the present UK charge framework urges citizens to carry on in a naturally well disposed way. In the initial segment of the report we will take a gander at three components of the UK framework and layout how they energize earth agreeable conduct and in the second part we will contrast these components with measures set up in Sweden. 2.Key Elements of the UK Tax System 2. 1 Climate Change Levy 2. 1. 1CCL is an assessment on the gracefully of vitality to organizations in the business, horticultural and mechanical segments. The assessment, presented in April 2001, works by charging for every unit of vitality utilized in this way the more vitality utilized the more expense a business needs to pay. It’s a discretionary method of attempting to get organizations to diminish the vitality they use and the outflows they produce. The charge per unit of vitality changes relying upon the ware utilized and the contamination that the ware produces.For model, power has a higher pace of charge (0. 509 pence per kilowatt hour) contrasted with gas (0. 177 pence per kilowatt hour) since it is all the more harming to nature (HMRC, 2013). 2. 1. 2 The administration guarantees the CCL has significantly affected diminishing the outflows created by the UK. Be that as it may, the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee has an other view that the decreases are because of different estimates as of now set up. They accept that the CCL rates are not critical enough to impact conduct (CIOT, 2009).Another contention proposes that organizations are simply passing on the duty by expanding their costs leaving the occurrence of the assessment with the buyers. On the off chance that we take a gander at the duty incomes from CCL, we can see that it has never arrived at its yearl y objective of ? 1 bn, recommending the duty is insufficient (Annie Reece, 2012). 2. 1. 3 on the side of the administration claims, there is clear proof that the yearly discharges are on the down †carbon dioxide outflows have diminished by 15. 9% from 1990 to 2010 (Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2013).It may not be certain whether this is down to CCL yet you can't contend that organizations are presently unquestionably progressively mindful of their emanations. 2. 2 Landfill Tax 2. 2. 1 The UK government presented the landfill charge in October 1996 so as to meet its commitments under the 1999 EU landfill mandate. Prior to 1996, the metropolitan waste in UK was developing at a normal pace of 3% per annum up to 21. 63 million tons in 1995/96 (European Commission, 2001). Be that as it may, much after this presentation the UK stayed as perhaps the greatest maker of waste in Europe.To battle this, the Treasury actualized a profoundly expanding pace of landfill charge (CIO T, 2009). There are two sorts of landfill squanders which are charged at two unique rates. The primary sort is the ordinary (dynamic) squander which is charged at ? 64/ton and will in all probability ascend to ? 80/ton in 2014; the other kind is known as inactive waste, for example, rock and blocks, which is charged at ? 2. 5/ton. 2. 2. 2 The general motivating force of the landfill charge is to support progressively reasonable waste administration and to adjust organizations and customers’ conduct by delivering less waste.However, the assessment has not been as compelling true to form. The removal of latent waste has declined yet the equivalent can't be said for dynamic waste. A potential purpose behind this could be that, in spite of the fact that the duty pace of idle waste is a lot of lower than dynamic in supreme worth, it is higher in rate esteem which implies the taxation rate on a latent waste maker is heavier than on a functioning waste maker (European Commission, 20 01). Likewise, the dynamic waste is bound to be weighed at the removal stage as opposed to assortment stage, which may bring about less motivation for people to decrease their waste.The income from the landfill charge is just a little extent of the absolute expense income to the HMRC, so the huge increment of this assessment mirrors the assurance of government to change squander conduct instead of raising duty income. 2. 3 Fuel Tax 2. 3. 1 In the UK there is a fuel taxâ that is applied to all Hydrocarbon powers, including unleaded petroleum, diesel, LPG, biodiesel, bioethanol and different powers that are utilized in vehicles. The pace of the fuel obligation is typically set during the spending readiness and it comprises of an extra duty that is applied to the petroleum before it is sold.Currently the assessment exacted on the most regularly utilized petroleum and diesel costs are 85p and 85. 93p individually. In this way, the all out cost for the petroleum and diesel is around 136 . 26p and 143. 27p separately too (BBC Business, 2012). 2. 3. 2 Such assessments are exacted by the administration to lessen the extreme utilization of the non-renewable energy sources and for this situation oil. Petroleum and diesel are both extricated from the unrefined petroleum and are the most ordinarily utilized powers far and wide. The administration trusts that the assessment will decrease utilization since it is straightforwardly passed onto the consumers.Thus, in addition to the fact that this would quantify rake in millions for the administration, it would likewise diminish the carbon impression which is a worry for the nations like UK. 2. 3. 3 because of this 527 million less liters of petroleum and diesel were sold in the UK a year ago, as people and organizations decided to drive less, as per Edmund King, leader of the Automobile Association. The administration has confronted a great deal of analysis from certain gatherings about the duty and acclaim from others, for e xample, different natural gathering and offices (BBC Business, 2012). . 3. 4 specifically, â€Å"a survey by Lord Heseltine into governments proceeded with help for low and ultra-low carbon vehicles†was esteemed useful by SMMT CEO Paul Everitt. 2. 3. 5 Separately, changes to capital recompense and duty alleviation rules, just as the vehicle fuel advantage charge, should help â€Å"green the UK's business fleet†, as per Mike Moore, car expert with Deloitte, a consultancy. He additionally included â€Å"This implies that organizations ought to truly consider the carbon impression of their armada so as to control costs. (D Martin, 2012). 3. 0 Comparison with Sweden 3. 1 Climate Change Tax 3. 1. 1 In Sweden, there is an assortment green expenses identified with environmental change. Sweden was the principal nation in Europe to present a green duty in 1991 when they got the Energy and Carbon Dioxide Tax (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). This presentation, t en years in front of the UK, shows that the Swedish government was substantially more mindful of the harm their conduct was causing than the UK government. 3. 1. The Swedish Energy and Carbon Dioxide Tax works by charging the client for the measure of CO2 created dissimilar to the UK CCL which charges in regard of the wellspring of vitality. Both have a similar effect on conduct as the two of them urge citizens to diminish the measure of vitality they use and the discharges they produce. Throughout the years, there has been a huge increment on the duty rate to proceed with the battle against environmental change. The expansion has been extraordinary to such an extent that Sweden currently has the most noteworthy carbon charge rate around the world (Government Commission of Measures against Climate Change, 2000). . 1. 3 Unlike we found in the UK, it has hugy affected individual and business conduct. There has been a 9% decrease in gas emanations in the previous decade despite the fac t that economy has become 44%. At present, the general CO2 charge rate adds up to more than 100 EUR/tone; this is an a lot bigger weight than the UK’s CCL rate (Swedish National Energy Administration, 2000). This may clarify why the Swedish Tax has changed the conduct a lot more. 3. 1. 4 In the UK, we found that it isn't clear which assessment is causing the decrease in emissions.However, in Sweden the CO2 charge has contributed essentially to lessening petroleum derivative utilization, especially the circumstance for the family unit, administration areas and locale warming creation, where the full CO2 charge rate is applied (Developing Green Taxation †Summary of a Government Assignment Report 5390, 2004). 3. 2 Landfill Tax 3. 2. 1 The present landfill charge in Sweden, which was presented in January 2000, is fundamentally the same as the expense in the UK in that it intends to forestall the expansion of waste generated.However, Sweden likewise utilizes their assessment to attempt to support the utilization of the loss to create vitality while limiting wellbeing and natural impacts to people (European Topic Center on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2009). The expense rate began at â‚ ¬26/ton and has expanded to â‚ ¬47/ton (? 40) (Scottish Government Rural Environment Research, 2008). This is lower than the rate in the UK (? 64/ton) which recommends that squander the executives isn't as large an issue in Sweden when contrasted with the UK. 3. 2. 2 Before 2000, landfill just went somewhere near 2% p. . be that as it may, after the execution, it started to diminish by 13. 6% p. a. somewhere in the range of 1999 and 2006. Simultaneously, reusing in the nation expanded by 4. 6% p. an (European Topic Center on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2012). In 2009, income from landfill charge was just 15% of that in 2000, which demonstrates that the duty has given a decent motivating force in Sweden to lessen squander; not at all like the U K where the expense has been ostensibly incapable (European Topic Center on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2012). 3. 2. Sweden has additionally effectively executed plans which redirect landfill to reusing or to squander to-vitality power plants, where it is scorched as fuel. As indicated by the latest figures from Eurostat, just 1% of waste from Swedish family units winds up in landfill. This is a lot of lower than a similar figure for the UK of 48% which proposes the reusing plans set up in the UK are not powerful (Care2, 2012). The refreshment business in Sweden has an arrival pace of over 90% on glass and plastic jugs which shows the duty influences organizations conduct just as househ
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
A Concerning Problem Worldwide - Free Essay Example
Introduction When it comes to obesity, the issue is becoming more of a concerning problem worldwide. Both adults and children are struggling to stay healthy due to the easy access to unhealthy food such as fast food and the lack of physical activities. In the United States, more children are battling obesity more than ever, because children most likely eat what is given or offering to them. There are many health-related problems associated with obesity, such as diabetes and cardiac related problems. Some people dont think that obesity is related to poor health and some think that it is. Position 1 Some people think that obesity is not tied to poor health, they perceive that there are other factors contributing to it and being overweight doesnt necessarily mean unhealthy and unhappy. Some people just cant lose through just dieting and exercising (Hobbes, 2018). Statically in America, 60% of American adult are overweight and about 25% of them are obese. Also, about 32% children are at risk of becoming obese if no change is made to avoid this to continue further (National Center for Health Statistics, 2015). Most schools in the country are trying hard to offer guidance to help eliminate this growing problem among children. According to these categories of people, everyone is different, everyones body is different and react to certain things differently. Diet and exercise might work for certain people and it might not work for others. The best case of action is to do what works for you personally to stay healthy. These people also argued that body acceptance is the key to their ha ppiness and they are happy and healthy in the body that they are in (Hobbes, 2018). Position 2 Some other people argue that being overweight or obese indeed means that you are unhealthy. Those people believe that healthy eating habits and exercise should be a lifestyle, that alone should be enough for someone to lose weight and stay healthy. They believe that if someone wants to live a great life, they must be willing to keep trying to get better. For children, it can be much harder to get them to eat healthy, because most children will refuse to eat the healthier foods. The best way to help them is to encourage them to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle (Hobbes, 2018). There are a lot that a parent can control when it comes to improve their childrens health, energy, well-being and self-esteem. Personal Position My personal point of view is that, obesity is caused by poor nutrition patterns, lack of exercise and bad eating habit. My six-year-old daughter was over the average weight of kids her age, she was basically overweight. I didnt see anything wrong with that, she was a healthy baby. When her pediatrician told my husband and I that at the pace she was gaining weight, if we dont do something about it now it might be too late later. We went back home, we looked at everything that Doctor told us and try to figure out everything that we were doing wrong. We made the choice to change what she was eating and completely cut out juice in our household. Before we know it, she was back to where she was supposed to be, now she is six years old and never look back. I understand the argument of both sides, when my daughter was overweight for her age, there was no indication that she was unhealthy. She was the healthiest baby, healthier than her brother who was very thin. The thing was, she was healthy than, but we dont know what couldve happened three or five years later. The other side of the argument is also, some people might be able to easily lose weight just by changing their diets and exercising, while it might require others to have surgery to be able to lose weight. Some people might easily lose the weight and keep it off, while some others might keep getting it back no matter what they do. The bottom line is, everybody is indeed different. Conclusion Even with all the continuous effort being made, especially with the program that Michelle Obama started to promote healthier lifestyle among people in America and all over the world, obesity continues to be a leading public health concern in the country. Obesity prevalence has doubled in adult aged 20 years or older and overweight prevalence has growing in children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years old as well. In this position paper on obesity in America, we have developed the understanding of some issues surrounding the problem of obesity. I provided some data on obesity in both children and adults and underlying some step that can be taken to minimize its impact. Unfortunately, a lot of people dont realize how concerning, damaging and impactful that obesity can be for our health and body. Something needs to be done, starting by informing people especially children about the issue, we can encourage a healthy lifestyle. We need to start by changing the trend of this disease by livi ng healthy. References Michael Hobbes. Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong. Huffington Post. (2018). National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control, and Prevention. (2015).Health, United States, with special feature on Prescription Drugs. US Government Printing Office.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Brief Information About Nike Essay - 1650 Words
Brief Information About Nike (Essay Sample) Content: NIKENameInstitution AffiliationThe incorporation of NIKE Inc. occurred on the 8th day of September, 1969. NIKE specializes in developing, designing, marketing and the selling of athletic apparel, footwear, accessories equipment, and services. NIKE has a worldwide market for all its products. The company uses its distributors, retail stores and the internet as well to sell its products. The NIKE brand produces eight categories: Soccer, Basketball, Running, Golf, womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s training, Menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Training, Action sports, and Sportswear. The menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s training includes baseball products, and the basketball includes its brand, Jordan. NIKE also markets products for other recreation and athletic uses such as volleyball, lacrosse, tennis, wrestling, and even outdoor activities. The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s athletic footwear wearing is for leisure or casual purposes although their making primarily focused on athletics. The selling of timepieces, socks, bags, e yewear, gloves, sports balls, golf clubs, digital devices, and other sports equipment occur under the NIKE Brand name.The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Jordan Brand uses the Jump man trademark to license, design, and distribute accessories, apparel, casual and athletic footwear. NIKE wholly owns some of its subsidiaries like the Converse incorporation, which involves the designing, distribution and marketing accessories, apparel, and casual sneakers. Another subsidiary that NIKE owns is Hurley International LLC, which participates in the commercialization, designing and distribution of accessories, apparel, and even youth footwear. NIKE has received recognition as one of the leading innovative companies, and most companies admire it for its success.A good example of an innovation made by NIKE is the Fuel Band. The innovation involved the creation of an electronic bracelet. The interesting bit about this bracelet is its ability to measure a personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s movement any time they move. Fuel Band measures the movement when walking, playing tennis, running, or even jogging. The market price of the device is $150. The Fuel Band impressed many people due to its quality and efficiency. It has an excellent interface that uses color cues to indicate the tracking activity (Housman, 2005). The device uses two colors, green when the achievement of the daily set goal occurs and it turns red when a person is inactive. The device displays the steps taken; calories burned and NIKE fuel points, on the pressing of its button. The Fuel Band is a clear indication that NIKE intends to embrace technology in its work.The Fly knit Racer is another important innovation made by NIKE ink in 2012. The innovation involved coming up with shoes that are as light as a feather. The shoes feel like one is just wearing a pair of socks with a sole. The Fly knit Racer manufacturing occursfrom the threading of kneads contrary to the usual method of using multiple fabric layers. The technique involved a c omplete change in the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s process of production. Manufacturing the shoe plays a role in the reduction of production costs in the long term as well as being environmental friendly. The Fly knit is a major threat to other shoes in the industry like Adidas due to its efficiency and lightness. A person can cover longer distances in lighter shoes than in heavier ones.The success of NIKE is due to its proper management strategies and hard work. The company has rules that govern its functions.The anticipation of a productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s evolution is one important rule. The invention of the Fly knit Racers clearly shows that NIKE intends to incorporate all kinds of changes. The idea of a sock being fitted with sole displays a tremendous level of evolution.Shoes are now evolving from the large and heavier ones to light ones.The attitude gives the company a chance to try out new inventions every day(Frisk, 2010). The ability to think ahead enables the company to become better th an its competitors. The company made the Flyknit, for instance, with the intention of selling it in Brazil for use by athletes in the 2016 Summer Olympics. The company intends to set up knitting machines in Brazil to manufacture the shoes. NIKE focuses on turning a possibility to a reality.The Fly knit that looks like a modified tube sock is now in the market and making profits for the company.The improving working conditions in NIKE contribute to its prosperity. The company ensures that all its worldwide supply chain works in favorable conditions. The process involves collaborating with other supply chains to make it a success (Frisch, 2009). An example of a method used to improve these conditions is by working with the Fair Labor Associations to come up with an effective initiative. The initiative is still in its formative stages. It involves the provision of quality, efficiency, and consistency improving tools, that assists the company to follow the law and meet its standards. A successful business is one that attains the set standards.NIKE can attribute its success to its understanding of Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities. The company takes time to understand its business and the impacts involved. The importance of this step is to ensure the making of properly informed decisions that bring about the greatest change (Mc Crackan, 2005). The company also considers the connections that exist in all areas of one decision can affect other unintended areas. Taking a broad view then becomes a necessity to weigh the impacts that may result from the consideration of individual decisions. NIKE Inc. employs an outsourced model for manufacturing that other industries use as well. The model displays the complexities associated with lack of direct management of enterprises that have many varieties of products and inadequate information concerning the performance and impacts.The company concerns itself with the environment as well. NIKE conducts studies on the production process of raw materials up to, including the disposal of their products. The study is challenging due to the variability of available data, and the many participants involved. The analysis looks at water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and even energy use (Canas and Sondak, 2011). Facts are emerging from the study reveal that 56% of greenhouse gas emissions occur during leather production. Also, the growth of cotton uses more than 63% in the whole value chain. These analyzes assist the company in developing more efficient production techniques that are environmentally friendly.The company looks for opportunities in every challenge that presents itself. An important example involves the use of more sustainable and recycled materials to deal with the problem of reducing resources (Canas and Sondak, 2011). The company also advocates the use of less wasteful manufacturing processes. The company has also dealt with increasing labor cost by increasing the supply chainà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s efficiency. The improvement of the safety of workers has improved with the introduction of adhesives that depend on water. The eradication of these challenges occurs because of the innovations and improvisation methods. The company significantly benefits from these innovations and the reduction of the effects of these challenges reduces as well. The strategy is effective since any problem that comes presents a new opportunity to make the production process more efficient.NIKE also employs scenario-planning technique to get better knowledge on the impact of the business sustainability issues and to make better decisions. Scenario planning makes it possible to gauge the potential effects that the company can face due to factors like scarcity of resources and even climate change (Chermack, 2011). The company can estimate the expected effect resulting from a percentage change in the use of a sustainable material across the chain. The company can also analyze the impa ct energy improving or water efficiency initiatives on the competitiveness of the enterprise. These interconnections assist NIKE in the preparation of better innovation strategies and changes that may come, as a result.Applying an integrated approach to its performance assessment is another factor contributing to its success. The company rates its factories using its Sourcing Manufacturing Sustainability Index(SMSI). The manufacturing index measures cost quality, delivery, and sustainability to choose the most appropriate factories to strike a deal with them(Housman, 2005).The factories that pass the index test receive more attention and resources sin...
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